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How Much Does It Typically Cost to Fix a Cracked Windshield?

To repair or replace - that is the question. When damage occurs to your vehicle’s windshield, it’s best to have it looked at by a professional ASAP. At Auto Glass Service, our certified technicians will perform a thorough and honest assessment of the damage to your auto glass to determine whether a repair will suffice. The cost to fix your broken windshield depends on many factors:

  • Your vehicle's make, model, and year manufactured
  • The size, depth, and expanse of the glass damage
  • The location of the damage on your vehicle's window
  • Any special technology in your windshield, like heating, HUD, or object sensors
  • Whether your auto glass needs to be completely replaced or simply repaired
  • What your car insurance policy looks like

Windshield repair is a convenient, cost-effective way to fix minor chips and cracks in your car's front windshield. If your windshield damage is not directly in the driver's line of vision, chances are high that your auto glass can be repaired. Another good way to assess the damage is to see if the crack is NOT longer than your credit card, then it can usually be repaired.

If the windshield damage is more severe than a minor chip or crack, or if the crack is in the driver's line of vision, then your windshield will likely require a replacement. Cracks or holes that go all the way through the glass and cracks that are longer than a credit card usually indicate a replacement is warranted.

Whether you’re repairing or replacing your windshield, we make the process as convenient as possible for you. With brick-and-mortar locations nationwide and mobile service where we come directly to you, catering to your schedule is a top priority for us. Auto Glass Service can accommodate even the most demanding schedules with flexible drive-in service to any of our convenient locations or our mobile service that brings the repair shop right to your doorstep. 

Depending on the state you live in and what your insurance policy covers, the cost to repair your cracked windshield can range from $80-$150. The smaller the damage, the cheaper it usually is to repair, but larger cracks or chips may require a full replacement. 

If it’s determined that your car needs a full windshield replacement, the cost can range from $300-$600 for older cars (without insurance.)  Replacing the windshield on a newer vehicle or an electric car is a bit more involved, as the technology that connects to the windshield can increase the cost. Replacement costs can exceed $1,000. 

So, how does your insurance play a part here? Depending on your plan and deductible, it’s possible that you may not have to pay anything at all. Many insurers offer $0 or low deductible glass claims as part of comprehensive coverage. Learn more about what insurance companies typically cover here.  

Auto Glass Service understands the insurance billing process and we have an outstanding reputation with insurance companies and agents throughout the country. We handle all the insurance payment and reimbursement paperwork and make sure your claim is processed properly and expeditiously.  

We pride ourselves on having certified and experienced technicians, using the highest quality products, a nationwide lifetime warranty, providing convenient options, and always trying to repair before a total replacement. These are the things to look for when choosing a reputable auto glass company.

Questions?  We’re here for you.

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