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Road Trip Safety Tips

Summer is an exciting time for families. Children are out of school, work hours are shorter and the prospect of family road trips are on the horizon. Whether you are driving a short distance to the nearest national park or across the country for a visit to Disneyland, keeping your family safe and happy is your main priority. In order to avoid any potential accidents or mishaps that can ruin any family vacation, there are some safety precautions you can take to ensure your family’s safety.

During a road trip, your car becomes your home for days. Doing a thorough inspection of your vehicle is critical for avoiding any unwanted incidents. For instance, what may seem like a small crack in your windshield could actually call for a full replacement if not taken care of immediately –– especially if you are exposing your vehicle to extreme temperatures that can cause the crack to spread.

Secondly, it is critical for you to avoid distractions. Give your cell phone to a passenger, and let them be DJ and navigator, in addition to trying to keep young children occupied. Keeping your focus on the road can decrease your chances of an accident.

Furthermore, you can avoid any surprises by doing a little research prior to your trip. Will you be in Florida where it is likely to rain during the drive? If so, replacing your windshield wipers may a good idea. How are your tires? No one wants to have a flat tire on a road trip. All of these small details can provide you with peace of mind because you will know what to expect. Surprises can lead to accidents and ruined family vacations.

A family road trip should be filled with memories, laughter and, most of all, assurance of safety. Taking a few precautions before you get behind the wheel can make all the difference! Auto Glass Service is recognized as the safest windshield repair and replacement service. With free, same-day mobile services, we can work around your busy schedule. Call Auto Glass Service today to book your next consultation and repair –– getting you one step closer to that anticipated family vacation!